Life Insurance Products

Protection Plan

HDFC Life Click2Protect Plus


A term insurance plan that provides you comprehensive protection at an affordable price


  • HDFC Life Click 2 Protect Plus provides Comprehensive Protection to you & your family with choice of Plan Options
  • This online term policy provides you with four cover options:
  • Life Option – Lump sum payout of Death Benefit
  • Extra Life Option (Accidental Death Benefit) – Lump sum payout of Death benefit in addition extra Sum Assured is paid in case of death due to accident.
  • Income Option – Part of Sum Assured payable on death and the remaining payable as monthly income for 15 years
  • Income Plus Option – Sum Assured paid on death & monthly income paid for next 10 years. The monthly Income can be chosen as Level or Increasing at 10% p.a.


  • Death Benefit
  • Life Option: The death benefit specified above is paid as lump sum on death.
  • Extra Life Option(Accidental Death Benefit): In addition to the death benefit mentioned above an additional benefit equal to Sum Assured is payable in case of death due to accident
  • Income Option



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